Thursday, October 14, 2010

60 day body transformation Game Plan

So, I have never posted a blog before and always thought they were lame until I watched some movie recently with my wife and thought, "I should do that!"

I'm 26 years old, married with two children.  I work full time and constantly trying to balance work and family.

I am your average guy, hence the whole "Average Eric."  I know, original...

I use to be in decent shape and then with the wife, kids, job and so on and so on, I have gained some unwanted weight especially in the mid-section.  You know?  The whole sad story about not having any time to work out.

The saddest part is that is that I operate a Fitness Facility!  For those of you that think people that work at a gym must work out all the time is completely false.  Its WORK or at least it should be!  They last thing you want to do after for 9 hours is to stay even longer and work out.  Besides think of the phone call to my wife,"Hey babe, I know you have been home all day with our 2 boys(under the age of 2) and probably haven't got a chance to take a shower yet, do you mind if I stay late to get a workout in?" I have tried and it doesn't work...

I have always had a sweet tooth.  Not like most may think but almost an addiction to sugar.  Has anyone been making their coffee and decided to take straight tablespoons of sugar into the mouth?  Not one or two but sometimes four or five... Well, thats me!

I have always wanted to get up early and work out and time and time again have failed.  But it changes now!  Well in 3 days because it just sounds better to start on a Monday.

My attempt will be to see how a persons body can really transform in 60 days of eating right and working out.

Will consist of:

Gym Monday through Friday at 5:30AM (strength training and cardio)
ZERO junk-food! You have know idea how hard that is but if it can be done then I will find out!
ZERO alcohol! I don't really drink much so not to worried but will make a point not to.
Low carb/moderate fat/high protein diet.
Absolutely no eating of any sort after 7PM.

Stay tuned!

Does anyone really read these things?

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